Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pear compote

I've recently moved to a new home in England, and my neighbours, at the back of my garden, have a pear tree. I've been told that according to English law, if any of the fruit happens to be on my side of the wall, the fruit belongs to me. I've been looking at this lovely little pear tree for a few weeks now, and the pears are finally ready. 

However, they are very waxy for my taste and I wouldn't eat them straight off the tree, because they leave a bitter aftertaste. So I made 3 pears in compote. As I've only moved recently and I haven't got many herbs and spices, I used what I had in my cupboard to flavour the pears ... Mmm, not much! So I infused them with lemon and ginger tea and a tablespoon of caster sugar. Once they were slightly soft, I put them in a jar in the fridge. I know I will eat them very quickly. 

Serve as a refreshing, healthy desert, with a dollop of half-fat creme freche (the one that Jamie Oliver likes!). De-li-cious!

Digi credits: photo by moi, gypsy PS action by Florabella Collection, texture by Kim Klassen, blending mode: soft light. Pear from my neighbour's tree! -- Oh, and the saucer is a little treasure I found in my local Antique Chinese furniture shop